We made a complete updating of the servers that serve Kyiv cloud infrastructure of the Colocall DC. From now on, Cloud servers (VDS) as well as Cloud infrastructures (IaaS) work on modern powerful Intel Xeon Platinum processors (Intel Scalable microarchitecture). This allows the use of modern set of instructions, and also provides greater performance of computing operations. New processors have a large number of cores, which will provide virtual servers with a sufficient number of computing resources without the need to migrate the virtual machine to another physical server in the cloud.
In addition, after the update, the limits on computing resources (the number of cores and RAM) have been doubled. From now on, you can order and create virtual machines with a size of up to 96 cores at a standard cores clock frequency and up to 64 on high-speed cores; RAM - up to 512 GB per VM. The changes have already been implemented, their implementation does not affect the cost of the service - it remains unchanged.
From now there is the possibility to make booting using PXE (Preboot Execution Environment) for services "physical servers" (dedicated) and colocation of physical equipment (colocation).
This mode is extremely useful for easy reinstallation of the operating system, data recovery or operation of the installed system, testing and administration of hardware, etc. Using PXE booting, you have the opportunity to choose the distribution from which the server should be booted. There are:
- Linux CentOS,
- Linux Debian,
- Linux Ubuntu,
- BSD (mfsBSD),
- Windows,
We are currently in the final stages of testing this new functionality. If you use physical hardware server in our Colocall DC, you have the opportunity to join the test. It is enough to send message to our technical support and request to enable PXE booting. Please also don't forget to enable the network boot (PXE) option on your server.
This option is available at all our datacenters and is not charged additionally. You will be able to enable PXE booting in your personal service control panel after testing.
Black Friday at Colocall DC! Hurry up to take advantage of the promotional conditions for increasing resources for the "Cloud server (VDS)", "Cloud infrastructure (IaaS)" and "Backup space" services. We offer 40% discount for VDS and IaaS, and 20% for Backup space for all orders placed from 24.11 till 31.12 to increase the configuration of existing services. The discount is valid during the period of these additional resources usage. Please pay attention that when resources are reduced, promotional resources are first reduced.
We have expanded the capabilities of the service "Backup Space". From now on the service allows to make backups at the speed you choose when ordering the service. Thus, the copying speed can be significantly increased and the creation of backup copies accelerated, as well as their restoration. For your convenience, the configurator automatically calculates the speed. It is enough just specify the required data capacity that must be copied per day and the time during which the copying should be done.
You can order the service at configurator. To extend the channel for an existing service, please contact the order department.
The services of Colocall DC received even more opportunities - we added a firewall to the functionality of our services. With its help you can perform filtering of incoming and outgoing traffic. For example, restrict access to some service (port) and allow connection only from specified IP addresses.
You can choose the required number of firewall rules directly in the configurator of the corresponding service when you order it. For existing services, this can be done in the Communication channel calculator, as well as contacting our managers. Rules management (addition, deletion, modification) is carried out via the administrative panel of service management on the website www.colocall.net, "For customers" menu. The firewall is available for services that are provided with access to the Internet from Colocall DC.
We have put into operation and offer you to use NVME cloud storage at our European datecenter. NVMe provides the speed 3-4 times faster than SSD. Cloud version of the storage, unlike the local one, ensures its reliability and fault tolerance. The storage is located at speeds of n x 100 gigabits per second.
You can order new high-speed cloud storage in the calculators of our services.
We present to your attention the private virtual infrastructure (IaaS) configurator, where you can easily choose a configuration and calculate the cost of private infrastructure, as well as place an order.
Private infrastructure is pool of resources provision, the computing part of which is organized on separate physical servers, all their resources will be used exclusively by you.
We draw your attention to the main advantages of choosing private infrastructure service:
- exclusive use of allocated computing resources;
- the ability to issue extended access rights required to collect metrics, charting and reporting with your software;
- the possibility of data backup and replication;
- the possibility of L2 transport organizing to the physical equipment located in our DC, as well as via telecom operators which are presented in our DC to equipment outside our DC;
- and many others, thanks to the possibility of allocating extended access rights to the computing part of the cloud.
We continue to develop our main services on the European site and we inform you about new opportunities to order the service "Cloud Disk". It is possible to order this service in a European cluster now. It is enough to choose the location in our configurator to order cloud disk making an order.
Cloud disk in the European cluster can only be ordered for leased servers on the European site.
Cloud Disk is a service provided to existing users who place equipment in our data center as well as physical servers tenants. Ordering Cloud Disk service you get a virtual disk in our cloud storage working on iSCSI technology. The disk will be available in your server via the network card we have installed. You may order the service on HDD and SSD. Ordering this service can significantly increase the security and safety of information as it is placed on a fault-tolerant storage in which all data is geographically distributed and reserved.
Our data center does not stop developing and keeps move with the times and technologies.
We are glad to let you know that the list of servers provided by Colocall DC has been replenished with offers on new Supermicro X11 platform, which are completely support modern Intel Xeon Scalable processors.
The new platform has a higher performance of the computing system, including through more cores and faster memory.
You can order individual server configuration in our configurator.
We are pleased to inform you about new opportunities to order the "Backup Space" service. It is now possible to order this service in European cluster. Just select in our configurator the location of disk space making an order.
We would like to let you know - we have introduced unique opportunity to access the Internet on our European site. So now you no longer have restrictions on the connectivity with Ukraine on this site as well as on our Kiev sites.
In connection with this event, we removed all restrictions - all existing services on our European site will get the access to Ukrainian traffic at the port speed of 1Gbps without any restrictions on the amount of traffic.
You can choose required, higher Ukrainian channel bandwidth ordering the service you are interested in on our European site.
Ukrainian traffic at high speeds is now available for all our services presented in the European DC:
Attention, promotion! All new orders of the service made before the end of the month will be provided with Ukrainian traffic at the port speed of 1 Gbps without an additional charge.
We are glad to inform you that our desire to make life as easy as possible for you (let's face the facts, for us too) is inextinguishable. Now you can order the expansion of the service configuration you are using and these are:
It is also possible to order the configuration increasing of the service you are using directly via administrative control panel of the service on our website, having previously saved your time, immediately receiving information about the price of ordered resources.
Click the "Change configuration" button after authorization and move the slider to the desired value opposite the target resource. Thereby the additional cost of the service will be formed and configuration change request will be issued to the manager.
We put into operation protection service against volumetric DDoS attacks. The service allows to mitigate attacks up to 1.2 terabits per second, so your regular traffic remains untouched and malicious traffic of any volume will be completely neutralized and becomes invisible to you. Service available in our data centers in Ukraine and the EU. Protection action is made on selected addresses in a constant mode, that is at the time of the attack start the protection will operate automatically and there will be no interruptions and denials in the service.
You can order protection by contacting our managers.
You should select the bandwidth of needed incoming clean traffic only and the number of IP addresses. Outgoing traffic of your resources, which is often many times greater than the incoming one, will be charged in the usual way and is already included in services price and will not be paid separately.
The protection is also possible for existing services, please contact our managers to choose the best variant of cooperation. Customers have the opportunity to select IP address with clean traffic and also IP addresses without any filtering for convenience.
The cost of the service is 4 euros for each incoming megabit of clean traffic.
Incoming foreign traffic of more than 90% of our customers, which may be susceptible to external attacks, do not exceeds 50 megabits per second according to our analysis. It means that for most of connections the cost of such guaranteed protection will range from 20 to 200 euros/month. Please contact our managers for more detailed diagnosing of your situation and commercial offers preparation, which will include all the details of your online placement.
From now you can create virtual server snapshots.
Snapshot is a complete copy of the virtual server file system at the time of snapshot creation with the possibility of further server resuming from this copy. You can activate daily snapshot creation in a specific time by ordering the option of create virtual server snapshots. The number of stored snapshots and reserved disk space for them are selectable in the our Configurator, other parameters are selected in control panel of service. There are possibilites to set automatic snaphot's creation time, manual snapshots creation and virtual server loading from the selected snapshot. More information about the service and tariffs is in Configurator. Please contact customer care department to order snapshots creation for an existing server.
An important factor in ensuring the data safety is the creation of backups. We created a new service for reliable storage - Backup Space.
You obtain drive space for storing backup copies, accessible via various file transfer protocols over the network ordering the Backup Space service. We provide the entire set of the most popular and common protocols for the repository accessing:
- FTP (regular);
- FTPS (secure FTP with traffic encryption using SSL / TLS);
- SFTP (secure FTP-like protocol that runs on top of an SSH connection);
- SCP (an older, but also very widely used, secure file transfer protocol over SSH);
- rsync (in our case is also protected, which is working on top of an SSH connection).
Almost all specialized backup software works using the protocols in this set. You can even work with data using a regular web browser, having passed authorization if it is necessary. There are also the possibility to use the software that allows to work with remote storage as a local drive using one of the provided protocols. All information is placed in our cloud storage at least in two copies, which ensures its reliable storage.
To read more information and order the service.
We do not lose sight of the needs to save the sheer amount of the information access to which is needed with minimum delays from anywhere of the world. Therefore, we launched a new service - Object storage (S3).
Object storage is the data storage service accessible via public internet. We offer a solution based on free implementing protocol that is almost completely compatible with all S3 capabilities. Object storages are best suited for data storing such as media files, archives, backups, databases dumps, virtual machine images, etc. Maximum supported size of one object is 5 terabytes; maximum number of objects that can be loaded / unloaded during one session - 10,000.
Our solution uses secure protocol for data exchange. HTTPS. Customer's software should have S3 protocol support for operations with objects in the storage.
The location of the Colocall DC S3 Storage is in close proximity to the consumer, namely in the direct availability of all Ukrainian traffic exchange points gives the opportunity to use it with maximum speed and minimum delays, in some cases 40-100 times faster than most American and European counterparts. In many cases of this service usage your data will be faster presented to your customers the same number of times, which is often very important for the speed of your resources and applications response.
In order to meet the demand for powerful server configurations, proceed to the use of which the customer needs as soon as possible, we introduce additional service — Server for tomorrow. Server for tomorrow is an opportunity to get physical dedicated server of powerful configuration (productive processors, huge memory capacity, drives) with installed Linux CentOS, connected cloud disk within 1-2 working days payment's getting. The server is transferred to the exclusive usage to the customer who has full control of the hardware and the software part.
You can select the configuration and make an order on the website. At the customer's request, before the start of operation or in the process of the service's usage, the servers' configuration and cloud disk capacity can be changed to one which is supported by this platform. After receiving the server in use it if necessary, you can install any OS through secure IPMI interface connection.
From this moment on any virtual server in cloud of Colocall DC there is the ability not only to work with 3.2Ghz core performance, but also to work with Internet access speed up to 10 Gbit/s.
In this regard from 05.15.19 the promotion starts: to all cloud servers, with the cost more than 900 UAH, we provide free gigabit UA Internet bandwidth connection. The promotion will last until 06.15.2019. So please contact us, we will be happy to share speed, in our time it is very important.
We are glad to announce that since 03.15.19 the
opportunity of virtual
servers' and infrastructures' with high (…3 GHz) frequency
ordering is
available in our EU cloud.
Comfortable calculators are at your service:
You can easily create your own data center within our boundless cloud with new IaaS service. You can rent almost unlimited amount of resources (processors, memory, drives), create the required number of virtual servers on their basis, connect them into a local network, buy and/or install necessary OS.
IaaS service is mainly focused on medium and large customers who are interested in getting rid of difficulties connected with costly physical server solutions' exploitation, forget about the problems and complexity of their upgrade, significantly increase the reliability of operation solutions.
The ability of almost immediately start of any scale project (capex = 0), almost unlimited change (expand or reduce) according to your needs is very convenient as well.
The calculator for ordering is already on our website. The service is available immediately in the cloud of DC inv Ukraine and the EU.
Now Colocall DC is a partner of Microsoft Corporation under the SPLA program, which allows to provide licensed software to customers on the most favorable terms. Ordering Microsoft licensed software, instead of purchasing an expensive product, our client will only need to make monthly deductions for using the selected software for the time of server's rental on which it is installed.
For ready made or dedicated hardware servers the following OS installation is possible:
- Windows Server Standard 2008 R2
- Windows Server Standard 2012 R2
- Windows Server Standard 2016
The cost of the license depends on the type of selected processor and can be calculated directly in our configurator.
For cloud service the following OS installation is possible:
- Windows Server Datacenter 2008 R2
- Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2
- Windows Server Datacenter 2016
The cost of the license depends on the type of selected processor and can be calculated directly in our configurator.
The list of Microsoft software is large enough, so if the customer is interested in any new software product from the list available under the program SPLA, it's safe to call or write to our managers who will be happy to choose the product and answer to any questions.
We launched a new service "Ready Server", significantly speeding up the process of leasing dedicated physical servers. Now you do not have to wait for the server assembly you need, just select from the list one that is already working, tested and connected server and proceed with the software configuration. Access is granted right after receiving the payment. The server already has preinstalled Linux CentOS operating system and connected Cloud disk with capacity of 2 Tb.
When placing an order or in the process of operation, you can change the size of the Cloud disk to whatever you need or discard it, and after receiving the server at your disposal you can manage it through IPMI and install any other operating system.
Please select and order an already ready-to-use server of the appropriate configuration here.
Colocall DC introduced an additional option when ordering a cloud server — now the high speed processor cores (from 3.2 GHz) can be chosen. This will meet the needs of our users' software, which requires high speeds and high performance.
You can select the required core frequency when ordering the server in our configurator.
Colocall DC is launching a completely new service for physical servers — Cloud Disk.
By ordering this service for a physical server you receive a virtual disk in our cloud storage which works on iSCSI technology. This will significantly increase the information security and safety, as it is placed on a fault-tolerant storage in which all data is reserved.
Depending on the needs several connection options can be provided:
- HDD — with HDD drive speed;
- SSD – is similar to the speed of SSD drive and connects at 10 Gigabit speed; high-speed network card is provided.
The advantages of this service are obvious: the information is in the cloud infrastructure, so your data is protected and located logically inside the server, and physically — away from it. Such disks will never become outdated and will not break — the excess capacity inherent in cloud storage will provide additional reliability of data storage.
The service is available for all physical servers — yours and leased, provided by our company. You can order the necessary disk capacity directly in the cloud disk configuration page.
We have put into commercial operation the point of presence in Europe. Among the new services provided in the European data center, virtual cloud servers will be available as well as rental of infrastructure and physical dedicated servers.
Until the end of June the action is valid: the cost of a virtual cloud server in a European cluster will be identical to the cost of the server provided in the Ukrainian Colocall DC.
Our company has launched a new cloud platform, therefore we offer new flexible tariff plans for virtual dedicated servers (VDS).
For the convenience of our customers additional multi-channel telephone numbers are introduced: +380(67)537-81-39 и +380(93)170-11-98.
Now, when calling from mobile phones you can use these numbers to contact us any time.